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Online Store with automatic updates from ERP


Cavalieri store (one of the leading hand-made Italian pure Leather sandals) was developed to enable the automatic link between the online store & the ERP system inside the offline stores. All products, variation, prices, quantities, images, & all product data are automatically updated from the ERP. No need to any manual adding of products at all.


This website is developed using WordPress CMS with the Woo-commerce plugin. The APIs with the ERP is done using PHP

Our Work

Here are some of our work that we manage to finish successfully.

Website for Listing teachers

Othtaz Academy website is built to help students in KSA find the nearest teacher to their location in a specific field.

Website for ICT Company

Jathwa is one of the leading ICT companies in KSA. The website is developed to reflect the right image about Jathwa & to enable clients to explore the services & references easily.

Website for football trainer

This website is developed for Houriya Altaheri, one of the top footbal trainers in UAE, the website shows her achievements, & skills in the field.

Architecture Website

Website is developed for Maac Company to show their work online for their clients.

Website for Medical Clinics

Ekthar Clinics are one of the top clinics specialized in reproduction health in KSA. This website was developed to show the services of these clinics & how to reserve appointment, etc.

Management System for the Saudi Horse Authority

We developed a management system for the Saudi Horses Authority to control the Championships of horses. The system enables the admin to select horses going into a competition, send them to the track & to track judges who will be able to judge each horse. Once the judgment is done all the data will be viewable to the admin & to a monitor in the place for the audience to see the results. The system also does calculations to select the winning horse based on the roles of the Authority. All data are stored and are searchable & editable by the admin. Horses data is entered into the system using excel sheets & the results also can be extracted to excel sheets. The Authority is using the system to control the championships all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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